On 21 October 2021, I proudly co-presented with Anthony Reimer at the Virtual Jamf Nation User Conference 2021, on the topic Making package uploading and deployment easier with JamfUploader.

This blog post is intended to provide links to everything presented in the slides.

A PDF of the slides and presenter notes is available here.

The video is now available to view here:

New to AutoPkg?

If you are brand new to AutoPkg, please check out these resources to get you started:

Sections of the presentation

JamfUploader - A Brief History

Starting Simple: JamfCategoryUploader & JamfPackageUploader

Adding a Policy using JamfPolicyUploader

Putting multiple processors into a single recipe

VersionRegexGenerator processor

This processor allows for better version comparison of packages in Jamf Pro. For more information about this processor, see:

More Resources

Example recipes