Following on from my post yesterday, in which I describe a method of creating an application using Automator to run shell scripts that require administrator privileges (sudo), I have now figured out how to achieve the same thing with AppleScript editor, with the improvement that the system dialog is used to obtain administrator privileges, rather than a custom dialog box.

To do this, create an Application in AppleScript Editor:

  • Open AppleScript Editor
  • Click File > New
  • Click File > Save
  • Enter name, select a path, select File Format > Application, Save


  • Enter the following commands:
set myPath to POSIX path of (path to resource "")

do shell script quoted form of myPath with administrator privileges
  • Click on the toolbar button in the top right of AppleScript Editor that reveals the right side bar.
  • Drag your shell script from a Finder window into the Resources list. Important: the shell script must be executable; make sure you chmod 755.
  • Save the application

You may wish to sign the application with your Developer ID, and make it Run Only. To do this, click File > Export…, select the Developer ID and make any required other settings changes:


Once saved, add an icon to make the app appropriate for your organisation.

When running the application, you should be prompted with a system authentication dialog window:


Example Scripts

Below is the same example as my previous post, adapted to use AppleScript Editor.

Jamf Pro: check for new policies

As a simple example, here is an application script that checks for connection to the JSS, and if successful, runs jamf manage and jamf policy: