Graham Pugh's rarely-updated blog about Mac Admin-related stuff.

MacAdmins Presentation - 14 July 2022 - Demystifying JamfUploader

Stage packages to production with AutoPkg and JamfUploader

Comparing a JamfUploader recipe to a standard JSSImporter recipe

JamfRecipeMaker - use AutoPkg to make Jamf recipes automatically!

JamfPackageUploader 'JCDS-mode' for a new way to upload packages to Jamf Cloud

How do changes to the Jamf Pro API authentication affect JamfUploader and JSSImporter?

macOS Monterey - MDM custom preference to disable python 2 deprecation popups

JNUC Presentation - 21 October 2021 - Making package uploading and deployment easier with JamfUploader

MacSysAdmin Presentation - 07 October 2021 - AutoPkg Everything

AutoPkg - verify and update trust information on all recipes in a recipe-list